Erpelstolz Canned Worms


[Goose having lunch]
[Goose teaching logic]

Welcome to Hieronymus C. Erpelstolz & Cie. - worm canning is our passion and our profession!


ERPELSTOLZ (literally: Duck Pride) has been founded in 2010. Since then, we have been producing the yummy ERPELSTOLZ canned worms. Our life motto is: Why not open a can of worms?

Note: Our products are no substitute for a balanced nutrition, but they aid the busy duck in organizing their life, and in finding a fine balance between their work, and social, life.


ERPELSTOLZ for the gourmet

We are offering the yummy ERPELSTOLZ canned worm in five unique flavours:

ERPELSTOLZ for the bio-duck

ERPELSTOLZ for the money-saving duck

ERPELSTOLZ canned worms are available in five different packaging sizes: from the 10 gram snack can up to the 7,500 gram extended family can. A generous bonus program does the rest: ERPELSTOLZ customers are truly money-saving ducks!

ERPELSTOLZ for the computer duck

Worm canning by ERPELSTOLZ is a high-tech enterprise utilizing a large number of state-of-the-art techniques for worm location, worm attraction, worm persuasion, worm comfort, and so on. ERPELSTOLZ is a mainly self-sufficient business, with huge investments in R & D, and its own, fluttering software engineering department. Some of the software tools we use in worm canning are available for third-party customers - see our software page.

Why not open a can of worms?

[Goose having lunch]


[A goose using logic software on a tablet computer]

Worm canning by ERPELSTOLZ is a mainly self-sufficient, high-tech enterprise with huge investments in R & D. Our fluttering software engineering department has a large output of state-of-the-art tools for worm location, worm attraction, worm persuasion, worm comfort, and so on.

On popular demand, we have made some of our tools available to third-party customers: